Thank you for over thousand downloads of Irodama (Color balls) Live Wallpaper.
This live wallpaper draws various color balls on screen. A new color ball is produced when two balls meet, the color ball drifting on the screen, become transparent, and finally disappear.
You can change drifting speed of balls, number of balls, and drawing type of balls from setting menu.
The color of ball is decided by colors of parents. The parents’ RGB values are added and makes child’s RGB value. If the added Red, Green, or Blue value exceeds 255, then decrease 255. RGB values is not changed, but alpha (transparency) is decreased when the ball meets another ball.
If a Blue value is 57, then Android guy is produced. Android guy behaves the same as the balls, but if the one of parents is Android guy, then a color of child becomes Android color, that is R=164, G=198, B=57.
Sometimes, special event caused by Android guy. He changes all balls’ color to Android color and make a figure of Android.
Have a fun!